Fresh Trouble for AI Express? Flights Between Oman and Kerala Hit

More than 20 flights have been cancelled between the two regions and there has been no clear reason given by the airline on the current situation. A meeting between the unions and the airline management took place on Tuesday.

By Sam
AI Express Crew

A meeting was held between Air India and the cabin crew on Tuesday

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New Update

Fresh trouble seems to be brewing for Air India. In the last one week, over 20 Air India Express flights have been cancelled from Oman to Kerala. Air India Express has cited operational reasons for the flight cancellations, though sources tell us that shortage of crew is the reason behind the cut in services. 

The services that have ben cancelled are between June 1 and June 7. Air India Express has apparently sent a notification to travel agents asking them to not do bookings on these dates.

However, Air India Express had to cancel flights this week as well. Apparently a majority of sevices between Oman and Kerala have been cancelled since last Sunday.

It is not known yet known why only flights on these sectors have been curtailed. Air India is yet to release an official statement on the same.

Meeting With Unions


Meanwhile, it is learnt that there has been a meeting between cabin crew unions and the airline management on Tuesday. Discussions were held on salary and other issues during the meeting convened by the labour department as part of the ongoing conciliation proceedings, according to a source.

The next meeting is scheduled for July 2, the source said.
The Air India Express Employees Union (AIXEU), which represents a section of the cabin crew at the airline, had filed a complaint before the labour department last year. Following the complaint, a conciliation process is happening under the Industrial Disputes Act.
Room sharing, lack of proper support, revised salary structure and alleged differential treatment of experienced crew members of Air India Express are among the issues flagged by the union.

The source, on the condition of anonymity, said various issues were discussed at the meeting held on Tuesday, including those related to salary and accommodation for cabin crew during layovers.
At the meeting, the management representatives assured that the issues will be looked into, the source added.
There was no comment from the airline on the meeting.



#Cabin Crew #Air India Express #flights
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