Fed Up With Tourists, Japan Town Blocks Mt Fuji Views

Officials said locals are sick of unending streams of tourists littering, trespassing and breaking traffic rules. The barrier is serving as a deterrent.

By Sam
Mt Fuji.jpeg

The plan made headlines last month when it was announced by officials fed up with what locals said were unending streams of mostly foreign visitors littering, trespassing and breaking traffic rules.

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A Japanese town has mounted a large mesh barrier across the road from an Instagram famous view of Mount Fuji. The town has done this in an attempt to deter badly behaved tourists.

Poles were put up in preparation for a screen measuring 28 feet by 65 feet to block the sight of Japan's highest mountain emerging from behind a Lawson convenience store. Photographs of the barrier have been widely shared online.

The construction of the barrier itself was initially delayed due to problems getting the right materials delivered, giving tourists a few more days to chase the perfect shot.

The Reason

fuji lawson
This view has been blocked 

Locals came up with the barrier after they found that tourists behaved badly, like those who cross the street non-stop, ignore red lights, park illegally and smoke outside of designated areas have proved a nuisance.

"It's regrettable we have to do this, because of some tourists who can't respect rules," a town official told AFP, saying that traffic signs and warnings from security guards had failed to improve the situation.

The measure is also meant to protect a nearby dental clinic where tourists sometimes park without permission and have even been seen climbing on the roof to take pictures.

Record numbers of overseas tourists are coming to Japan, where monthly visitors exceeded three million for the first time in March and then again in April.

Mount Fuji is covered in snow most of the year, but during the July-September hiking season more than 220,000 visitors trudge up its steep, rocky slopes.

Many climb through the night to see the sunrise, and some attempt to reach the 3,776-metre (12,388-foot) summit without breaks and become sick or injured as a result.

Residents near other popular photo spots in the region, including the so-called Fuji Dream Bridge, have also reportedly complained about over-tourism in recent weeks.

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