Boeing Partners with Norsk e-Fuel to Advance SAF Production and Reduce Aviation Emissions

This investment from Boeing will accelerate the production and accessibility of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) in the Nordics and worldwide.

By Priyal Dutta
New Update
Boeing Partners with Norsk e-Fuel to Advance SAF Production and Reduce Aviation Emissions

Norsk e-Fuel is set to produce a type of jet fuel called electro-SAF, or e-SAF, through the PtL process.

Norsk e-Fuel and Boeing Join Forces for Cleaner Skies

Norsk e-Fuel and Boeing Join Forces for Cleaner Skies

Boeing has become a key development ally for Norsk e-Fuel, helping to set up one of Europe’s initial industrial-scale Power-to-Liquids (PtL) facilities. This investment from Boeing will accelerate the production and accessibility of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) in the Nordics and worldwide. Furthermore, it seeks to support the commercial aviation sector’s shared goal, alongside ICAO member countries, of reaching net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.


Norsk e-Fuel is set to produce a type of jet fuel called electro-SAF, or e-SAF, through the PtL process. This method utilizes fossil-free power to create green hydrogen combined with recycled CO₂ from biogenic sources. This innovative fuel can significantly reduce the lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions associated with air travel by more than 90% compared to traditional jet fuel.


Boeing's Steven Gillard appointed honorary Professor of Sustainable  Aerospace – TERC
Steve Gillard, Boeing’s Regional Sustainability Director for Europe, the Middle East, Türkiye, Africa, and Central Asia

“Our collaboration with Norsk e-Fuel highlights the significance of employing fossil-free energy to enhance SAF production, critical for diminishing aviation’s carbon footprint by 2050,” stated Steve Gillard, Boeing’s Regional Sustainability Director for Europe, the Middle East, Türkiye, Africa, and Central Asia.


“Our partnership to promote e-fuels will facilitate the commercialization of SAF in the Nordics and beyond, improving accessibility and availability for our clients as we strive to establish a robust SAF ecosystem.”

According to estimations, SAF represented merely 0.53% of the total global commercial fuel usage in 2024. Within Europe, the proposed mandate of the RefuelEU SAF initiative intends to gradually raise the SAF share to a target of 6% by 2030, reaching 70% by 2050. Additionally, there are specific targets for e-SAF, like the one produced by Norsk e-Fuel, starting at 1.2% in 2030 and rising to 35% by 2050.


Boeing’s investment will support the attainment of the SAF quantities essential for improving national energy security in the Nordics. This collaboration aims to influence policies that guarantee the economic viability of the global SAF sector, thus strengthening the long-term competitiveness of the aviation industry in the region.


About us | Norsk e-Fuel
Lars Bjørn Larsen, CCO of Norsk e-Fuel

“We aim to make e-fuels competitively viable against fossil fuels and ultimately replace them in crucial infrastructures, as SAF must become easily accessible and affordable to promote the decarbonization of aviation,” commented Lars Bjørn Larsen, CCO of Norsk e-Fuel.


“Boeing’s investment will further accelerate our project pipeline and facilitate the wider aviation sector's transition to net-zero emissions.”

This strategic alliance combines Boeing’s leadership and expertise in the SAF industry with Norsk e-Fuel’s technological proficiency and extensive partner network, which includes Norway’s leading airline, Norwegian.


Geir Karlsen (businessman) - Wikipedia
Geir Karlsen, CEO of Norwegian

“We are thrilled to have Boeing join us. Their investment marks a pivotal milestone for Norsk e-Fuel and underscores the encouraging progress we have made. We anticipate utilizing Boeing’s knowledge and experience to foster this groundbreaking industry's development and expansion. Additionally, this investment highlights the necessity for a supportive policy landscape to fully harness the potential of e-fuels production in Norway, as urged by the Norwegian parliament,” expressed Geir Karlsen, CEO of Norwegian.

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